The Father Says Today: May 24th, 2012

The Father says that you have asked “Where is God in all this?” The Father says that the irreducible impartation from the throne is upon you and around you and in you. My kingdom is not separate from you, says the Father. I am with you and in you and will never forsake you. I will never leave you to your own devices. You will find Me tells the Father, when you seek Me WITH your heart and IN your heart. When you can’t find Me in the situation, says the Father find Me in the chambers of your own heart. That is where I shed blood to make My habitation. The upward ascent to My presence is an INWARD journey, says the Father. I am not a far-off God. I said I AM NOT A FAR OFF GOD. I am closer to you than the breath of your nostrils. I am nearer to you than your hands and feet. I have deployed the fullness of who I AM in the midst of your situation and circumstance. When you know Me as I am known, says the Father, you will know Me as the voice and the presence within your own human heart. Leaning upon Me says the Father is leaning within where I dwell in the depths of who you are. There you will find Me. There I will cause you to know My strength and support and the release of all I am toward all your need.

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