The Father Says Today: May 23rd, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-05-22 at 10.22.08 AMThe Father says today that the interruption in your life today arises from My plan and My purpose. You are going to have an option to push past what will seem to be a distraction and inconvenience but the Lord says let this be a Selah moment. The cadence and pressures of the day and even of your life have conspired to push you past many doors and opportunities of kingdom release for you. It is time to push back and take the reins of your life and set the agenda according to My plan and not the demands of others.
There will always be another demand, another crisis or another urgent matter that needs your attention. Your life is not about dancing to the tune of the urgent or insistent voices that think that their shrill tone should be responded to. Make a determination to say NO to the infantile and immature requirements of others and stand up for yourself as a kingdom seeker. In so doing you are going to fall right into an answered prayer and a kingdom adventure that you have been anticipating and waiting on for some time. I am a God of surprises and the kiss of heaven is upon your life this day says the Father.

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  • This word is extremely prophetic. I just read this word today on May 24th and yesterday May 23th I cancelled an appointment with a magazine journalist in Latvia boldly with a major realization, Abba told me this is a distraction, it was a test! Infact as i was canceling this appointment i could literally feel the power of God upon me and He was revealing to me incredible revelations about how as we obey Him dispite man’s opinon our faith increasings dramaticly and by obedience God gives us major downloads for advancment so beyond what we thought something perhaps was an opportunity, when infact what God is about to do is so far beyond!! this was just a test!

  • Bridgette says:

    Dear Lord Jesus,
    I humbly Decree and Declare this prophetic timely word spoken over my life. In the mighty name of Jesus, I Believe and Receive these words.
    Amen! Amen! and Amen!

  • Wow, I certainly needed to hear this one today! Thank you for writing it! Kate

  • Geri Mee says:

    Thank You my Daddy! I recieve your kisses with joy ! God Bless Russ and Kitty with sooo much love