The Father Says Today – May 22nd, 2024

The Father says today, I am bringing an end to the enemy’s strategy against you. The enemy has planned. The enemy has assaulted – but KNOW THIS. That when Satan himself does his worst against you – I WILL DO MY BEST. Nothing that the enemy has attempted against your life caught Me by surprise. I am not pacing before My throne wondering how I will defend you. This is your time, says the Father. Because you put your trust in Me and because you cried out to Me – you will see of the travail of your soul and be satisfied! You will look back at the testimony I bring forth on your behalf and declare, “My God has done great things for Me!”. This present distress is merely that which will be a footnote of My greater faithfulness in your life, says the Father. This is not the endgame. This is the beginning of a whole new season of promotion and entitlement by My hand in your life.

So, trust says the Father. Trust Me. Refuse to stray from the mandate of My word and the surety of My promise. You will not be disappointed. Relinquish what you think victory looks like and see what I am showing you with the eye of the Spirit. Your thoughts are not My thoughts, says the Father – not because I am planning to harm you but because the life and life I am bringing about more abundantly has yet to enter your mind and heart. So dream big, says the Father. Dream big and dream bigger. Expect radical favor and supernatural deliverance, for this is the hour. My hour is now. My salvation in your life and My salvation on your loved one’s behalf is now, and because you have put your trust in Me, you will never be disappointed.

Mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation.

I am here to be the Prophet in Your Life, to See You Come to Breakthrough in Every Area of Your Need.” ~~ Russ

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  • Junior KPADJOUDA says:

    Thank you sir. I appreciate you. What a balm to my heart! After a very hectic day where the ennemy planned and assaulted- just like you prophesied – I stumble on a Word like this. What en encouragement! Yes the Lord is not caught by surprise. And if Satan does his worst, the Lord will do His best to me. Kai! What an assurance in Jesus! It is good to see God speaking to us every single day through this prophetic stream. Indeed sir. You are the prophet of our lives and we honour you. The Lord be praised forever. Amen.