The Father Says Today: May 21st, 2023

The Father says today; My kindness is about to pay its dividends in your life. My kindness is about to visit you and address every defi- cit you have experienced both naturally, in relationships, and spiritually. You have been dry and thirsty, and others have said, “Can’t you just be satisfied?” There was even an accusation that your lack of contentment was a deficiency of spiritual maturity. On the contrary, the Father says that eagles don’t thrive in hen houses. I am bringing you out of hen house religion and into the company of eagles. It doesn’t matter if others don’t understand or “get” you, for they didn’t understand me.

I am cleansing you from the past, and I am wrapping you up in Myself, says the Father, and bringing you to a place of rest. In that rest will come the outpouring of good things you have believed for, hoped, and wished for, says the Father, for that, is My NOW purpose in your life.

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