The Father Says Today: May 21st, 2022

The Father says today, you are a worshipper. You open your mouth, and this opens the heavens. You give of yourself in praise and worship, and angels are bending low to hear the assignments the Father whispers in the melodies and music that you surround yourself with. You have the calling of the intercessor upon you, says the Father, and I want you to make yourself available to Me in this ministry.

Yes, says God, make yourself available to Me; even so, I will make Myself known to you in a new and unforeseen way. Your response time to Me, day by day, will exactly determine My response time to you. Let your heart say to your soul – “go ahead and seek the kingdom.” As you “go ahead and seek the kingdom,” where there has been impediment, restriction, and yes, at times, even disappointment, I will redefine your life and the environment around you for blessing and breakthrough.

Prophet Russ Walden

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  • Tonya Monroe says:

    This is an Awesome word . The scripture that
    Comes in my heart ❤️ is ◄ John 4:24 ►
    Verse (Click for Chapter)
    King James Bible
    God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

  • Lisa Porsche says:

    praying in tongues and having a righteous platform (environment) while tithing where He tells me to (not another) has provided the way for me to find my way back to Him, all of the way (not partial or hanging on like someone whom jumped over a fence and got their shirt tail trapped) =lp

    longsuffering may not initially sound like a fruit, but He declared that it is.

  • V.S. says:

    YESSS! I am a worshipper. Thank You for this word. So many things try to get in the way of just fellowshipping with The Father. Thank You for this reminder to purposefully set aside time and prioritize Our Father in prayer and worship.

  • A Reed says:

    I receive and accept the call and assignment. May the Lord be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. May God lead my way with discernment and I will follow. For the Glory of God. Thank you. Blessings, Shalom and Agape. 👀🙏🏽📖❤