The Father Says Today: May 21st, 2012

The Father says I want you to experience over your life today what I initiated over the void on the first day of creation. I saw the emptiness and spoke that which I desired. I am speaking over you even now. My desires toward you reflect happiness, attainment, fulfillment, and purpose. You aren’t going to be left out, says the Father. There will be no void untouched in your life even as I left no void untouched when I said “let there be light”. I also said in creation, “let the earth bring forth the living thing…” I am producing MY LIFE in you, says the Father. You are my earth. You are my habitation. I say over you, says the Father, “be fruitful and multiply.” I say over you, “let this life TEEM with living things that bring blessing, joy, and fulfillment.” Heaven isn’t a monastery, says the Father. It is not some austere or barren place where men whisper in reverent tones. Heaven is loud and raucous! Heaven is irreverent! There are NO RELIGIOUS spirits in HEAVEN because THEY DIDN’T ORIGINATE THERE! Between the HOLY HOLY HOLIES, there is laughter and joy and the camaraderie kings and princes!

My creative power in you inherently contains the ability to fulfill any desire. There are many desires in you that were placed there in the hall of unrealized souls before you were sent to earth. You and I negotiated together in the heavens before you were born. We shopped for a home. We chose a companion. We rejoiced together over your children and your friends. Let those desires burst forth out of your heart in HAPPY DECLARATION. The enemy will no longer have dominion over you, says the Father. Let heaven come to earth in your life this day. What I have for you borders on fantasy, says the Father. Let your heart say “bah hah hah!” I know this isn’t what you have been taught. But what you have been taught HASN’T BEEN PRODUCING HAS IT? So you be a Father pleaser and go out and have a WONDERFUL DAY in the DAY THAT I HAVE PREPARED YOU TODAY. A day of joy and breakthrough and happiness as a privileged scion of Heaven’s Potentate!

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  • franck schmitt says:

    Dear Russ,
    Thank you for those daily words which bless me every time. I would like to be able one day to make the internship.
    Can I ask a question about a part from this very word : ‘My creative power in you inherently contains the ability to fulfill any desire. There are many desires in you that were placed there in the hall of unrealized souls before you were sent to earth. You and I negotiated together in the heavenlies before you were born. We shopped for a home. We chose a companion. We rejoiced together over your children and your friends.’
    It’s the first time I hear this idea, that the spirit of man was with the Lord before birth, and even discussed with the Lord about things from the future. Do you have scriptures that teach that? Or from where comes this idea ? What is a unrealized soul ?
    Thank you vrey much for your answer !
    God bless you,
    franck schmitt

  • David Langdon says:

    Russ, this is a very powerful word which on the most part is very uplifting. I must ask you though about your choice of using “monastary” as an image of what Heaven is not by your association of “monastary” with “some austere or barren place where men whisper in reverent tones”. I certainly see Heaven as something containing a wider and richer scope of earthly activities monastic or otherwise.In fact I see Heaven as richer and more vibrant than anywhere on Earth although I get many tastes of the Heavenly here on Earth. This dour association though negates centuries of monastic life throughout His Story. For example the singular pursuit of fellowship with God, the Celtic Christians in monastaries saving and maintaining the Bible in the Dark Ages, or more recently Thomas Merton, Thomas Keating and the reimergance of contemplative prayer to name just a couple of these chapters in His Story. Life is indeed different in monastaries from life outside; but it is rich and varied, there is much passion and rejoicing for the Lord and his Kingdom.