The Father Says Today: May 20th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-05-19 at 2.12.51 PMThe Father says today that I am activating in you the VISIONARY RESPONSE. You are going to begin to SEE My kingdom like never before. Where others only see problems and strife and difficulty you will rejoice for you will see the KINGDOM. In the midst of great darkness and unknowing you will see with clarity and detail what I am doing in your life. Others will remark what a powerful faith you must have but they don’t understand because they don’t see. You will try to show them what I am showing you and you will say “don’t you see what God is doing?” But they will not see for they have invested their whole spiritual experience in not seeing.
There are those in My house that have made a name for themselves putting out the eyes of visionary sons and daughters. I will put you across their path and they will set the cross hairs of their religious assault on you. They will tell you that you cannot see. They will tell you that the vision I gave is a false vision. Look at them and laugh says the Father for in the night that they rail and mock your vision they will be visited and I will make Myself known to them. Those that return and repent will be ushered into a new glory in My presence. Those that do not will be left in the dust bin of faded and past things while you move on into My further purposes says the Father.

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