The Father Says Today: May 1st, 2023

The Father says today that you are a timeless being, not bounded by years or the passing of days. I am not limited by time, and you are in Me; therefore, you are not limited by time. Time-bound awareness moves in calculation and limitation. You are not time-bound; you are kingdom defined – so let the boundlessness of the kingdom determine the joy with which you face every passing day and week, month and year.

No more despair, says the Father. No more despairing of sands slipping through your fingers! Because I have time, says the Father, so you have time. Trust. Rest. Rejoice. I have an inexhaustible supply of days being poured into your life in an endless stream! Your days will be long on the earth! You will live and not die! There is no expiration date on the dreams and visions that I have given you. The purposes I have sown into your life will be accomplished, and you will never be turned back or defeated!

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