The Father Says Today: May 1st, 2013

Russ-in-ReddingThe Father says today that I am raising up a pure ecclesia. The ecclesia is My church and I am establishing an ecclesia that is pure in its simplicity and pure in its dependence and focus on My presence. There is no activity or program or purpose in My church that has any relevance where My presence is absent says the Father. I am calling upon you this day to make My presence your priority in life and your priority in every fidelity and commitment you make among men.
In My presence is fullness of joy and provision and deliverance. My high hand and outstretched arm is coming in visitation upon those that yield in deference to My presence over every other agenda of religious minds and mentality. I am breaking down the walls of the cultural ghetto of religion and causing the people of My kingdom to spill out into every arena of life to proclaim and implement My rule and My glory.
So go ahead and turn the world upside down today. Go ahead and join and assemble yourself with the radicalized church that only knows the love that never fails. Politics fail, humanism fails, man’s idea of social justice is a total failure. But as you seek out My hand upon your life in the most minute detail of your day you will find yourself participating in My ascendency over all power and rule in your life.

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  • Bridgette says:

    Wow! What a on time word . . . . There is no room for playing church in these last days. This word is crystal clear. Thank you Lord!
    Lord have your way, Holy spirit have your way, Men and Women of God let us ALL allow the Lord and the Holy Spirit to have their way in our churches.
    God is POWER, The Holy Spirit is POWER! For without the church is POWERLESS!
    God Bless You ALL! Amen!

  • Patricia Thompson says:

    Thank u for the Father’s word to me. There is no one greater than God nobody is greater than Him. Thank God for u Russ. May God continue to bless & keep u. Bless God. He has risen. Amen

  • Ellen says:

    Your presence is heaven to me. I don’t want to make a move without God’s presence. I feel the same way Moses felt when he said, I will not go if Your presence don’t come with me. Really good word Prophet.