The Father Says Today: May 1st, 2012

The Father says that there are four words that define the parameters of My dealings with you: “Nothing Shall Be Impossible.” Men impose boundaries on themselves because limitlessness intimidates them. I have not bounded My promises in your life by time or circumstance nor the opinions of others. I am the Limitless One, and I have taken all the limits off of you in order that you might fellowship with Me and understand My mind and My Self-existence. When you accept the limitlessness of My nature IN you, then you can abase and abound without stress or worry.

When you know that nothing shall be impossible to you, then you realize that a moment of lack or want is just a pause between outpourings of abundance. You realize that I have never failed you and never will fail you. So let go of the mere habit of living in dread. You know good and well that every promise in Me has been and will be YES and AMEN. Rest in that reality, says the Father. Rest in the reality that the nothing that is impossible to Me is the nothing that is impossible to you. As I am boundless and limitless, so I am living out My omnipotence in your life in the face of this day’s pitiful challenges.

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