The Father Says Today: May 19th, 2023

The Father says today, come up higher. Come up higher, says the Father, and give me the mantle that I laid upon your shoulders as a young person. This is CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT TIME, says the Father. I am turning you, turning you, and turning you. You are going to see with new eyes and know by the Spirit what is really going on when outwardly all confusion. You will see into the spirit as a forward observer in a war zone does, and You will call down the artillery bombardments of heaven upon the ranks of the enemy that oppose my purposes.

I will cause you to see into the future like reading tomorrow’s headlines, and you won’t need the news or to pick up the telephone – for I will cause you to know what is on the morrow, says the Father, for this day I release a new and fresh SEER anointing upon your life. You will look to see, sense to feel, and listen to hear My voice, and it will be, and it will turn out just that way. Every assault of hell, every snare set against you will be exposed and you will run well the race ahead of you and win the victor’s crown laid up for all those that put their trust in Me.

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