The Father Says Today: May 19th, 2013

Russ-May-2013The Father says today My house is a house of hospitality and not a house of judgment. I am removing suspicion and accusation and bringing acceptance and favor among My children. Love never fails says the Father and My Spirit of love and acceptance is activating My providence in response to your prayers.
I am providing for the broken and the devastated. I am deconstructing the houses of disappointment. Once again the disenfranchised and heart sick will find solace in My house as in times past for I am now present in the habitation of My glory.
My voice is being heard in your land says the Father. My angels are bringing my audible voice to lead others out of bondage. They will hear My voice saying “go out from here to a place that I will show you where you will be set as a solitary one in the midst of family.” As with Lot in Sodom some will be taken by the hand and be led out of contaminated houses who have corrupted my gospel. It’s a new day says the Father be prepared to accept those that I send to you and love them and accept them as gifts sent by My hand.

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  • stephanie ruffin says:

    Below is the prayer request i just sent you b4 i read the Daily prophetic Word.. oh my i receive it …in Jesus name..
    My 30 year old son is running from God..he is Spirit filled 10 yrs ago. but has struggled with addictions, he is divorced with 3 children.. they need him to be present. he is so bewildered with God… so much has come in to seperate him from Knowing Gods love.. He said God called him to preach years ago, he knows the WORD OF GOD ,but he is in a desperate dry place.. kids are suffering because of it.. please pray that Gods WORD will be fulfilled in his life suddenly… blessings ,

  • tonya says:

    There is nothing like the favor of God–much more valuable than money.
    Thank you Lord for your mercy and grace.

  • Geri Mee says:

    Thank you Father,perfect timing. Give me the Grace to love who you send.