The Father Says Today: May 17th, 2013

Russ-May-2013-DreamsThe Father says today that the complaint of those who do not know Me will be that those who have turned the world upside down have come here also. I am setting you in the company of culture changers and world shapers. You ARE the principality and the power says the Father. Put the serpent under your feet and release the blast of your faith against the bulwarks of resistance to My truth and My good news.
The GOOD NEWS triumphs! My gospel is ascending in you and being released through you. No more holding back with concern about the opinions of men. I am breaking the man fearing, mind binding spirits that have assailed you. They said you couldn’t and they said you were not capable but your CAPABILITY is in Me says the Father and you will never again be hindered by the lies of the enemy. This is your portion and today is a watershed day for you. You will never be the same!

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