The Father Says Today: May 17th, 2012

The Father says today that the enemy has reproached you before Me. He offended My grace by saying to Me “skin for skin – touch all they have and they will curse you before your face.” The Father says regarding this accusation against you “Bah hah hah!” You are the apple of My eye! You arethe habitation of My Spirit and I will not allow anyone or anything to diminish My regard for you. I am your shield says the Father. I am for you and not against you. There are times you wondered if you have made a wrong choice. You have wondered if you got ahead of My timing. You have tried to determine why things have turned out the way they have so you can correct problems you see.
Your life says the Father is under the jurisdiction of My hand. My blessing and My favor is upon YOU not dependent upon any other thing. I am committed to YOU says theFather more than I am committed to whatever you perceive My plan to be. I am a LOVER before I am a PLANNER. In theold covenant I told My people I would bless WHATEVER they put their hand to. What have you put your hand to? Don’t be deceived into waiting upon heaven to act. Heaven only acts in concert with the earth. Do what you can with what you have and stick with it. You WILL SEE the hand of My providence.
I am not tempting you. I am not allowing this to happen. I have placed the reversal of your fortunes in your hand. Thefloodgates of grace are opened by the lever of your forward momentum in Me. Be encouraged says the Father. As you move forward and forget the past the river of My Spirit will rush you into a fresh destiny.

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