The Father Says Today: May 16th, 2012

The Father says today that I have committed to you the ministry of reconciliation. Your gift is to bring those around in you into proximity to My voice and My presence. I don’t hold you responsible to redeem them for I am the redeemer.
I have anointed you to bring them near to Me that they might know My love for them. I have anointed you to bring them close to Me so that they might know My power. See that you don’t neglect this assignment says the Father. Reconcile the great and the small without prejudice toward either. Don’t be afraid of the faces of those who arrogantly think of themselves more than they ought to. Don’t look past those who seem insignificant in life. Have no respect of persons and don’t be afraid of their faces.
Even today I will put the word of My demonstration in your mouth. I will demonstrate My mind to one who thinks they have it all and know it all. The person I am sending your way doesn’t see their need of a savior. You will demonstrate My mind in a supernatural way to them. You will open your mouth and I will fill it. Remember I haven’t called you to produce results but to be faithful in each day’s assignment. Leave the outcome to Me. As you fulfill this assignment I will be working on personal matters in your life. Leave that to Me. Be a Kingdom Seeker and a Father Pleasure today says the Father. In so doing you will turn the corner and begin to come out of the place of stagnation and delay that has plagued your spirit.

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