The Father Says Today: May 15th, 2013

Russ-May-2013-DreamsThe Father says today that the time of veils and secrets is past and the hour has come to remove the cloud of unknowing. This is a day of clarity and assurance. I assure your heart this day says the Father. Fear NOT the scourge of the enemy or the threats of the dark ones. They are impotent to penetrate the blood line I have drawn around you. I have sprinkled every possession and relationship and you entire environment with the enabling and empowering blood of the son.
I have set My seal upon you this day that you might think My thoughts and know them as your own. We are one and I am synchronizing your spirit with My Spirit and causing you to experience the RANK wherewith I am ranked for you are IN Me and I am IN you and it is time to experience the COME UP HIGHER enthronement of My purpose in grace in your life.

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  • tonya says:

    Russ and Kitty I am praying for you. I am sure you are impacting lives,
    while on the Jericho Drive. Thank you Lord for Loving me and imparting your truth through Russ and Kitty, to spiritually fortify your own.