The Father Says Today: May 14th, 2012

The Father says do not concern yourself with what others are saying or what others may be doing. The enemy’s purpose is to keep you distracted by whisperings and threats that are nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Your focus is to be upon accomplishing the assignment I’ve commissioned you to fulfill. The outcome is not in the hands of anyone other than My providence, says the Father. The outcome is determined by My grace, not the good opinion of those who have confused religious institutions for the actual Kingdom of God.

If I am for you, says the Father, who can be against you? If I have directed you toward a goal, do you honestly think it’s possible not to reach the same? Your critics cannot exclude you from the plan I have for your life. They can only exclude themselves from the good thing I would have done for them had they walked in obedience to My plan regarding your life and there connection to you.

I’ve made great promises, says the Father. I have made great promises to you so that you would have clarity of vision regarding My plan for your life. This present distress is only one small sub-chapter in your overall destiny. The obstacles before you may look formidable from your perspective, but they are the small dust of the scale to Me. Come and stand HERE by Me, says the Father, and KNOW that I will NEVER FAIL YOU.

The gavel is coming down in your favor, and the outcome is assured. Leave this to Me. You have sought My face, and surely … SURELY you will see My hand.

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  • sharon says:

    This was indeed a true prophecy.I had to go through severe distress in the morning as I awaited my results with no hope.But alas!as the results came through;I understood that the enemy has been defeated and I was given victory.These words gave me great assurance and hope.Thank you soo much!