The Father Says Today – May 13th, 2024

The Father says today, look within, for you will possess your soul in your patience.  You traverse a wilderness, a path you’ve chosen. Patience is key—patience with the unfolding of My promise and patience with yourself. This path, though challenging, leads to your spiritual growth. Trust the journey. When you face the fiery trial, never forget that I am the fourth man in that fire. Refuse to bend to the dictates of the flesh. Embrace the holiness with which I cleanse and empower you. In the midst of the shaking, choose rather to hear my still, small voice saying this is the way to walk you in it, for I haven’t left you without direction as to what to do next.

The darkness that looms ahead sometimes cannot hold you back or separate you from your destined calling. Do not fear the shadows that loom. They are but illusions, figments formed from anxieties. I, the very essence of your being, reside within you – a constant presence, an unwavering source of strength. Look for Me in the kindness you offer others, in the compassion you hold for a stranger. Love poured outward is love poured towards Me. Neglect shown to another is neglect shown to yourself. We are one. I am the source of all that exists. The power you seek does not lie in outward things but rather in your connection to Me. Seek Me; you will find purpose and the unwavering strength to weather any storm.

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