The Father Says Today – May 12th, 2024

The Father says today, I see your dependence on external circumstances causing you worry and unease. You seek comfort and exhortation, and they are readily available to you. Listen closely. Cease this dependence on man. I, the very essence of redemption and righteousness, am already present within you. Look inward, to the core of your being, and find Me there. That’s where you’ll discover true salvation. Don’t chase after fleeting effects, the approval of others, or worldly achievements. These are illusions that bring only temporary satisfaction. Focus on Me. I am the source of your sustenance, the staff that upholds you. You needn’t tirelessly toil for your needs. While work has its place, find enjoyment and fulfillment in it. Don’t let it become a burden you carry solely for survival. I am your life force, your very being.

Imagine yourself as a garden, and I, the Tree of Life, planted firmly in its center. I have placed you in your life as I placed Adam and Eve in the paradise called Eden. My presence is the wellspring of your strength. Within you, I am mighty. I am your Truth, your Way, and your Life. Trust in this truth, and the anxieties that grip you will loosen their hold. You are not alone. Split a piece of wood and I am there. Lift up a stone and there you will find Me. I am here, a constant source of strength and provision bringing you to the very fulfillment of My promise. Lean into Me, and find the peace and security you seek.

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