The Father Says Today: May 12th, 2013

Russ-Walden-May-2013x300The Father says today that I am crushing the scorpion of OUGHT in your life. In the shed blood of My righteousness I have made you all that you OUGHT to be. You do not fall short says the Father. You do not fall short of My glory for My glory is in you. You cannot fall short of what I have placed within you. Though you stumble – were you even to make your bed in hell I am with you for I will never abandon the glory I have place within you.
So you are acceptable to Me says the Father. You are acceptable and you are moving step by step into My full approval and approbation. You have been through the time of testing and now you have passed the test. Your examiners have only found the washing of the blood of the Son for I have apportioned you your full measure of the grace and compassion and loving kindness poured out in liquid love upon the tree. Receive it! Accept it and embrace it as your own – letting go, LETTING GO of every vestige and suggestion of condemnation in your life. You are the BELOVED!

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  • Amanda Friesen, Altona, MB, Canada says:

    Thank you so much, Russ, for this prophetic word. I truly have passed my test, for today is the day that I was to marry my fiancee and I walk into it with a great peace and measure, and know that God has brought me thus far, and today is not a day of mourning but of joy and victory!