The Father Says Today: May 11th, 2018

The Father says today, adapt yourself to the laws of kingdom economics. The kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. Are you a person of violent faith? We aren’t talking about physical exertion here. We are talking about having the audacity, says the Father, to shake yourself from the lethargy of hopelessness and walk toward what you have run away from in the past. Stand UP, says the Father. Be counted. Get into the battle that you have avoided. It isn’t going away. You can close your eyes and pretend things will get better one-day someday, but not without battle. Never lay down in a battle zone. Never give in to the hopelessness of inaction. You can act. You should act. Enough is enough. I will get behind your efforts and make up the difference between failure and success. Now is the day. This is that day you have waited on. Move forward.
I am causing your steps this day to move into battle. To step up to the front line. To go over the top with the sword of My Spirit in your hand. No more cowering in the trenches crying “only you Jesus! Only you!” I did what I was going to do 2000 years ago. To think otherwise is to languish in spiritual infancy. You are not an infant. You are not a wastrel or a cast off. You are a beloved child of a loving Father. I didn’t bring you this far to leave you to your own deserts. Remember that day I told you was coming? This is that day! A day of battle. A day of clashing kingdoms where there will be both victors and victims. Are you a victim? You are not a victim. You are a victor. You are more than a conqueror because I am in you and you are in Me. Up and let’s be going, for the wreath of conquest awaits. The laurel of a race won is waiting to rest on your brow at this day’s end, says the Father.

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  • I hear YOU DADDY. THANK YOU for causing my steps to move into d battle line, ds day, for causing me to go to d frontlines of d battle with ‘ YOUR WORD’ , which is d sword of D SPIRIT…… THANK YOU for Grace and strength to stay the course and finish strong…..THANK YOU ADONAI..

  • How much we need to draw near to the Father! I thought today’s efforts were acceptable, can miss the mark at times!

  • Amen and hallelujah, Father God in the name of Jesus Christ I thank you for your kindness upon my life, my family and my business, my friends and my country, receive glory and honour, receive praise from the bottom of my heart amen

  • Yes and Amen in Jesus mighty name. I am Victorious in Christ.. Glory.. hallelujah. Walking in the glory of God