The Father Says Today: May 11th, 2013

Russ-May-2013The Father says today that I find nothing in you worthy of judgment. I took all judgment and wrath upon Myself on the cross. I have no wrath left to pour out upon you says the Father. Did I not say that you are not appointed to wrath? If you are not appointed to wrath then you are not the object of My displeasure or anger. You have wondered at times if I was displeased or angry but HEAR MY VOICE says the Father – I am not angry with you and I am not disappointed with you in any way.
I am hopeful says the Father and MY FAITH the very FAITH OF GOD is bringing MY HOPE into manifestation in your life. You are My enfranchised child and as My entitled one I am washing you and cleansing you and empowering you. Receive the robe of My righteousness and the signet of My authority. The sacrifice is laid and its potency is undiminished. The freshness of the spilt blood cleanses and delivers you NOW says the Father.

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  • tonya says:

    We serve an awesome God. What man on this earth can say he is not angry or disappointed with you?
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus to forgive our sins. Lord you are beyond my comprehension
    but excellent in all your ways. What a privilege to be called one God’s children.
    Russ and Kitty, I am praying for you while on the Jericho Drive.