The Father Says Today: May 11th, 2012

The Father says can you take NOW for an answer? The next 90 days will reveal My wonders in your life. I am a God who works in the timeline of your life from outside of time. I take eternity and bring it into your now using a divine schedule administrated by angels. Can you take NOW for an answer? The halls of eternity are being reconfigured to accommodate the massive download of glory that I have directed toward you in this time frame. Make room says the Father, in your life and in your heart for I am coming in power and glory to make Myself known to you in an unprecedented way.

When heaven comes to earth, the most important thing you can do is prepare the way. There are things you have been asking Me to deal with that I have actually put in your hand. You do what you can do, and I will do what I can do. I will make up the shortfall says the Father. I will add My omnipotence to your impotence. I said I will add My omnipotence to your impotence. The alarm clock of heaven always reads NOW, and it is always chiming. Chime in along with it. Cry out for your now, says the Father. Declare your NOW. Believe for your NOW. For now is come! This is that moment and season and process that brings a change in every area of your life.

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