The Father Says Today – May 10th, 2024

The Father says today be still and know. Be still and hear My voice, for I speak in the silence between your own thoughts. The constant inner chatter, this whirlwind of anxieties and doubts, serves no purpose. I am here, a constant presence within you, and your frantic energy only serves to drown out the voice of My deliverance in your life. I say again, be still and rest in the calm confidence that I am working on your behalf to will and to do My good pleasure. My peace is not a fleeting emotion but a steady, unwavering current flowing through you when you allow the noise and clatter of the outside world to subside, allowing My words to overwhelm your unbelief and release My power to shift you from decline to promotion as though in a day. I am the source of your very being. The air you breathe, the strength in your limbs, the thoughts that flicker across your mind – all stem from Me. I am your sustenance, your foundation, the wellspring from which your life flows and this is the day I unleash My goodness in your situation.

So there is no need to seek sustenance and resolution elsewhere, says the Father. There is no need to seek validation or security from fleeting things – from external circumstances, from the opinions of others. These things are like dust motes swirling in a sunbeam, here one moment, gone the next. They hold no true power and the moment you lean on them for strength they vanish leaving you in captivity. Turn your gaze inward. Feel My presence. It is as undeniable as your own heartbeat, the steady rhythm of life coursing through you. In this stillness, you will find the strength you need and the clarity of direction you seek. Those anxieties that grip you and those fears that cloud your vision are not external. They are the outworking of your own restless mind. Let them go. Release them, and they will dissipate like smoke. In this God-directed stillness, you will find not just comfort but renewed purpose. You will hear My quiet promptings, guiding you on your path. You will discover the strength to face any challenge, the courage to overcome any obstacle. Be still. I am God. And I am with you.

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  • Moira says:

    Thank You Father that You know what is internal and what is external in my life that is giving me concern. You know what is happening to me on a daily basis. I am in good hands.