The Father Says Today: May 10th, 2018

The Father says today, I am not bringing you to an end; I am bringing you to a beginning. Remember this – truth heard the first time often produces a negative response. Things you thought you would never do or that would never work in your circumstance are actually the path of progress. Refuse to be prideful and stubborn. Have another thought. Think another thought. You feel like you are at the end of your rope but what if you weren’t? What if you were simply out of ideas because your thoughts are not My thoughts and your ways are not My ways? That is what repentance is all about. Are you one-in-a-100 who is willing to actually change your mind? Are you willing to take stock of yourself and see things with brutal honesty? Or will you insist on continuing to bray like a brute beast, not understanding why you are tethered to failure with an empty belly? I have made you a reasoning person capable of choosing a different direction when life hands you disappointment and failure. Will you take that path? It stands open before you.
See the solutions I have provided, where all you could see before was something to complain about. It was those who murmured whose bones bleached white in the wilderness. Grumbling and complaining are wasted energy. Refuse to commit the bandwidth of your thoughts to negative or pessimistic thinking. Abandon all those coping strategies and worldly distractions that are keeping you from the decisions that will make things look different in your life. You do not need a break. Stop thinking that and stop saying that. You don’t need a break – you need a BREAKTHROUGH and it is available if you just will. The answers are simple. They are not complex. You have thought that the challenge you are facing is too complicated for you to get past. That is a lie. Your deliverance is a word away. Just open your mouth and cry out “Father!” I will be there, causing you to think My thoughts and causing you to have the courage necessary to step out on nothing, anticipating the substance of all that I have promised to manifest and bring you forward to an expected end.

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