The Father Says Today: May 10th, 2013

Russ-May-2013The Fathers says today that the Old Covenant glory is but a gossamer glimmering compared to that which I am bringing forth in this hour. I reconfigured the release of My glory when I sent My Son. I channeled My effulgence and brightness to release My grace and lovinging-kindness. So allow Me to love you with the love that nailed the Son to the cross. Allow Me to love you with the intensity and determination that took the Son from the throne to the tree. I am determined to love you says the Father and I will not swerve or be deterred from that love.
As Moses’ face shone through the ministration of death so I will transfigure you with the ministration of life. There is a baptism says the Father by which even your body and natural frame will illuminate with My brightness. Receive the effulgence of My glory and the out-raying of My divine life and love and resurrection. It is your portion NOW and also your greatest destiny as a son and daughter of My right hand.

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  • john bavido says:

    Fathers heart; may the peace of our lord yeshua be upon you and your staff. Our walk is definitely more simple…though we are tried hard. Isn’t it thoroughly our inner man that is understanding what our prophets are saying? Our inner man is more exact in the interpretations of holy utterances and we can over come our flesh with clarity, and total control. Holy prophecies are needed in these times…especially toward the tender hearts of newborn Christians, and those precious ones who have been overlooked. Our heritage and glory is in our ever living yeshua in the living spirit of the god of Israel. O his mercy is great in us. And he is bringing the flesh and sinews to those old bones the prophet saw. His body his little ones are becoming one as he sees how to put us together as one. Could this be the day people really accuse us of being with yeshua? Please write back…in Christ john bavido