The Father Says Today – March 9th, 2024

The Father says today, focus on the vastness of My love. It’s a concept that can be difficult to grasp, even for the most faithful. Eternity is a word often associated with My being, but I offer it to you today not as an abstract concept but as a measure of My love for you. My love isn’t bound by time or circumstance. It doesn’t diminish with your failures or anxieties. The entirety of human history, the rise and fall of empires, the grand narratives and mundane moments of every life that has ever been lived – none of it can contain or define My love for you. It exists outside of these limitations, ever-present and unchanging. Imagine, if you will, the most expansive thing you can think of. The vastness of space, perhaps, or the depth of the ocean. Now, understand that My love is infinitely greater than that. It encompasses all that exists, yet remains intimately focused on you. This doesn’t mean your struggles are insignificant. The burdens you carry are real, and the anxieties that keep you awake at night are valid. But I want you to see them through the lens of My unwavering love. No matter how difficult things seem, My love remains constant. It is the unshakeable foundation upon which your life rests. You may question this love at times. Doubt is a natural human tendency. But I urge you to seek evidence of My love in the world around you. Consider the intricate design of the natural world, the resilience of the human spirit, the moments of unexpected kindness and connection. These are all expressions of My love, woven into the fabric of existence.

Perhaps you see My love most clearly in the people who care for you. The friend who offers a listening ear, the family member who provides unwavering support, the stranger who shows unexpected kindness – these are all instruments of My love, acting on My behalf in the world. I understand that true comfort doesn’t come from empty platitudes. It arises from a deep-seated trust, a knowing that you are not alone in this existence. Hold onto that truth. You are never outside the reach of My love. Now, go about your day. Face your challenges, navigate your uncertainties, and know that My love surrounds you. It is the air you breathe, the ground beneath your feet. Let it be your source of strength, your wellspring of peace. Don’t be afraid to reach out to me. Prayer is not about eloquence or elaborate rituals. It’s a simple conversation, a heartfelt expression of your needs and desires. Talk to me. Share your burdens. Let me know what weighs heavy on your heart. Remember, I am not a distant deity, uninterested in the details of your life. I am intimately acquainted with your thoughts, your fears, your hopes and dreams. You are not a random occurrence in the universe. You are a cherished creation, loved with an everlasting love. Carry this knowledge with you. Let it be your comfort in the darkest moments and your fuel for the journey ahead. This is My word for you today. Go now, and walk in My love.

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