The Father Says Today: March 9th, 2013

Russ-Feb-2013aThe Father says today that I am releasing a THIRD HOUR OF THE DAY INTOXICATION into your spirit. On the day of Pentecost I purposed to release the intoxicant of My Spirit and a discharge of glory that CHANGED a people and a city and the entire world from that time till this. I am RELEASING THIS INTOXICANT INTO THE EARTH ONCE MORE SAYS THE FATHER. Not the vintage of days gone by but a FRESH INTOXICANT of JOY and HOLY REVELRY.
I have been portrayed as an austere judge says the Father but let me just say that those people who see Me this way have GOT ME ALL WRONG! The door-posts of My throne BOOM with laughter that melts the hills and shakes the mountains and rends the predator that has stalked you these many years. This is your BAH-HA-HA deliverance says the Father. My laughter is breaking into the depths of your person and rolling like a tide across your life bringing hope and joy and rejoicing. So TAKE A DEEP DRAUGHT of this vintage for it was prepare especially for you at this hour and this time!

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