The Father Says Today – March 8th, 2024

The Father says today, let your attention fully turn to Me. There’s a wellspring of joy within you, a wellspring fed by My presence, and it has a far greater capacity than you might realize. Don’t settle for a trickle of happiness when a mighty river of contentment and purpose flows right beneath the surface. This joy isn’t about external circumstances. It’s about who I am residing within you. Take some time today, set aside distractions, and truly delve into that reality. Feel My presence, My love, My unwavering support. Let that permeate your being. Now, with that foundation of joy established, actively use it. This isn’t a passive state. This is a wellspring meant to overflow. Let your prayers become expressions of that joy, a confident communication with Me, your provider. Don’t just ask for things; express gratitude for the very wellspring from which all blessings flow. Next, use your faith as a tool to deploy that joy in your everyday life. Look at the situations you face, the challenges you encounter, and instead of approaching them with dread or anxiety, approach them with the knowledge that I am already present within them. See every difficulty as an opportunity to demonstrate the joy that resides in you. This doesn’t mean ignoring problems. It means facing them with a different perspective. It means knowing that regardless of the outcome, you possess an inner peace and strength that cannot be shaken. It means trusting that even in the midst of hardship, My presence brings forth solutions and opportunities you might otherwise miss.

Now, about your needs and expectations. You may have specific desires, goals you’re working towards. Don’t hold back on those. Bring them before Me, but do so with the understanding that My ways are often far grander than your own. Let Me surprise you. Trust that I will fill your life in ways you haven’t even imagined. The joy you cultivate through this process will open doors, create opportunities, and lead you down paths that fulfill not just your immediate needs, but your long-term purpose as well. Perhaps you’ve felt a lack in your life, a sense that something is missing. Maybe your prayers haven’t been answered in the way you expected. That’s okay. This is a chance to shift your perspective. See this period as a time of preparation, a time for you to fully embrace the wellspring of joy within. The more you cultivate this joy, the more you make it a central part of your being, the more readily it will flow outward, impacting every aspect of your life. It will affect your relationships, your work, your overall outlook. It will become a beacon, drawing others to the source of your joy – Me. Remember, this isn’t about perfection. There will be times of doubt, moments of difficulty. But even then, the wellspring remains. Even then, the joy is there, waiting to be rediscovered. Don’t be afraid to come back to Me, to seek that inner peace and strength whenever you need it. This is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the process, the act of cultivating joy, of deploying it through your actions and your faith. As you do, you’ll find that your life becomes not just full, but overflowing. You’ll find that My presence truly fills you to the point of exceeding even your greatest expectations. Go forth now, with joy as your compass and My presence as your guide.

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