The Father Says Today: March 8th, 2013

Russ-Feb-2013aThe Father says today that I inhabit your attentiveness. Many times you sense My presence in the periphery of your focus. You often turn toward Me and the manifestation of My glory is just breaking along the edge of your thoughts and emotions. Let Me help you stumble on in to the manifest glory says the Father. I want to drink you in with the same longing and thirst that you wish to drink Me in.
Do you understand says the Father that I experience YOUR PRESENCE with the same overwhelming waves of emotion that you feel My presence? My arms tremble and My heart races when I know you have lost yourself in My glory. Oh what a moment! Come to Me My beloved and lose yourself in My presence this day. I inhabit your attentiveness! You inward focus upon My presence opens the door of your heart that I am constantly knocking on. Let us together TAKE that DOOR off its hinges and just enjoy unfettered and open access shall we?

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  • I am experienceing this right now in my relationship with God, my Lord…He IS truly the Lover of my Soul! He has for the last few weeks been leaving me speechless. It’s not that He has given me monetary things…It’s because I can feel and sense His very presence all around me it’s and unspeakable joy!