The Father Says Today: March 7th, 2023

The Father says today that I am kindling Myself in your belly today. I am a fire from My loins up and My loins down. I am a wall of fire round about you. The enemy shall not break through with his distractions and distortions. Rejoice, says the Father, and anoint your head with the oil of gladness. No more despondency. No more crying in the night. No more worry, no more fear. RELEASE! Let go! I will take it from here and meet every concern with the full faith of My fidelity and My promise.

This is what I do, says the Father; this is WHO I AM. This day I am bringing to full manifestation the I AM THAT I AM, that you may not only know but experience the complete scope of My willingness to correct, adjust and transform your life into My image and not the marred image of mistakes and errors you may have made. You cannot make a mess that I am not capable of cleaning up. You have been told that I will not help you, but that is a lie, says the Father. I am your HELPER; that is My name and I am not withholding from you the assistance you have petitioned Me for.

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