The Father Says Today – March 6th, 2024

The Father says today, if love never fails, why would you step out of love if a step out of love is a step into failure? Be watchful and diligent to avoid strife and contention at all costs this season. The enemy of your soul thrives on conflict and tension. He is drawn to environments where harsh words and hostile looks hold sway. Therefore, above all else today, let My peace be the ruler of your disposition and your speech. Make a conscious decision in your heart that love will be the guiding principle of your actions. Understand that love acts like suffocating smoke in the presence of the enemy. My love flowing through you will blind him to the work I am accomplishing in your life, forcing him onto the defensive. There will be moments today when you will be tempted to stray from love’s path. Do not succumb. Do not allow the unkind conduct of others to strip you of the authority and power you possess when you choose to express My love in those situations. When every other emotion and feeling falters, love will remain, conquering all. Love is the very essence of who I am, and it is the essence of who I want you to be. Love originates from My being, and it is My desire that love becomes not just your behavior but your very identity. This transformation will render love effortless and genuine.

Prophet Russ – I’m Standing in the Failsafe Love of God – Today!

By allowing love to manifest in your life, you empower Me to rise above every scheme of the enemy. You will then witness the miracle you have requested, the one you barely dare to believe in. It is available to you, carried on the wings of love. In the company of others, particularly those grace-growers that tax your patience, be sure to choose your words carefully. Before speaking, consider whether your words will build up or tear down. When in doubt, choose silence. Extend kindness even when undeserved. Respond to negativity with compassion and understanding. Practice prompt forgiveness. Release any resentment you harbor towards others even in the immediate aftermath of an imagined or real wrong against you. Show patience and grace. Recognize that everyone is on their own journey, and treat others with understanding. Offer help freely. Be generous with your time and resources without expecting anything in return. Remember, My love is not dependent on your feelings or the actions of others. It is a constant force within you, waiting to be expressed. As you actively choose love today, you not only fulfill My purpose for you but also pave the way for the miracles you desire to see.

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