The Father Says Today – March 5th, 2024

The Father says today, demonic interference cannot and will not sever your connection to My voice. Remember, I stated in My Word, “My sheep hear my voice, and they follow me.” (John 10:27). As long as you remain true to your inherent nature as one of My sheep, you will hear Me with undeniable clarity. When your ability to hear Me falters, it is not because the enemy has directly blocked your ears – although he may attempt such tactics. More often, it is because he has flooded your mind with distracting thoughts and worries. These mental disturbances are what truly obstruct your ability to discern My voice. Therefore, says the Father, still your mind. Silence the endless questions and anxieties that clamor for attention. In the quietude you create, My voice will reach you with gentle insistence. Be still and know, says the Father. I will calm the mental storm raging within you and still, the waves of emotion that threaten to engulf you at times. In this newfound stillness, My voice will break through with undeniable clarity, leaving no room for doubt or confusion. You will not be left wondering, “Is that you, Father?”

Prophet Russ – I Recieve Holy Spirit Hearing – I am Attuned to the Father’s Voice!

Remember, I have ordained you as a hearer, says the Father. I have equipped you with the ability to not only hear My voice but also to perceive the workings of the eternal realm. Live out your inherent nature as My sheep. This means living in complete dependence on Me, relying on Me for every breath you take and every decision you make. Quiet the relentless thoughts that drown out all other voices. In the stillness that will come as you learn to be still, My voice will be the only sound remaining. Be still and know, says the Father. Be still this day, and you will cultivate the intimacy you seek, an intimacy that transcends the demands and anxieties of the physical world. In the tranquility of your being, you will hear and understand My voice with renewed clarity, receiving the exhortation and comfort you so desperately desire. Keep ever in your thinking that I am always with you, says the Father. Do not be afraid, for I am your strength and your shield.

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