The Father Says Today: March 5th, 2023

The Father says today; I challenge you to exaggerate My goodness in your life. Do you realize that it is NOT POSSIBLE to overstate My goodness laid up in store for your blessing? Language is beggared to find adjectives descriptive of My goodness set aside for YOU. Let the word EXCEEDINGLY be in your mouth. Let the word ABUNDANTLY be on your lips. Let the words, MORE THAN YOU COULD ASK OR THINK, be the words that describe that which you are expecting by My hand.

You will not be disappointed. Man understates his responsibilities and obligations, so he can lie, obfuscate and betray his duties. I am not a man.I am not a man that I should lie or the son of man that I should repent. I will not change My mind concerning you. You WILL see My goodness in the land of the living. You will know My fullness and blessing on THIS SIDE of eternity. Rejoice, says the Father. Rejoice and be glad and celebrate, for I will give you today, tomorrow, and every day forward a sure cause for celebration and exultation – because I love you greatly, and I am demonstrating My love in totality in your life, even this day.

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  • Olevia Bethune says:

    Amen!!! Thank You Jesus this is confirmation!!! I TRUST Abba wholeheartedly in the middle of a storm I PRAISE HIM IN THE MIDDLE OF IT