The Father Says Today: March 5th, 2013

Russ-Feb-2013aThe Father says today that My audacity on the inside of you is producing a blatant disregard for the empty threats of the enemy. Oh yes, you will not be ignorant of his devices but ultimately knowing the strategy of the enemy is like a sneak peek at the play book of the losing team. When I call you to watch says the Father I am calling you to see the destruction of your enemy not your own vulnerability. I am your strength and your high tower. You are impregnable in Me says the Father.
So today when the crashing symbols and war horns of the enemy are sounding find your place on the ramparts of the HIGH TOWER which I AM in your life. There is nothing the enemy will cart away from the battlefield that is of lasting or eternal value. What I am saying to you says the Father is that I am able to KEEP that which YOU have committed to Me against all threats and assaults. TRUST ME says the Father. Let me take it from here.

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