The Father says, today, I am removing this day the influence of those unworthy for inclusion in My purposes unfolding in your life. Do not fear or be troubled by the schemes and manipulations of those who are otherwise minded, for I will not allow them to gain an advantage over you. My focus is on expanding, protecting, and preserving your heart. I am providing you with the vision and anointing that brings the accomplishment of My will. As you take care of My business, I will take care of your business. Education, ability, and talent are not the primary focus; rather, it is the hot pursuit of My kingdom that matters. I will guide you in launching into My purposes, but keep in mind, do not despise small beginnings. Do not despise the initial stages, for I will grant you favor in the small beginnings. It is through these small, seemingly insignificant steps that I will bring My blessing, ultimately leading to significant achievements. The time will come when you will not only be blessed through dependence on others, but I will also bless you abundantly through your own endeavors, causing everything you undertake to prosper.
Prophet Russ – God is Causing Everything I Do to Prosper – Today!
You’ve asked, and I would have you aware that I have not closed the door on relationship. This is My due season to address these needs you are experiencing. Open your heart to this possibility, for it originates from Me. I bless, I pour out My anointing upon you in a moment of time to give you clarity and yes, protection for I, the Father, am your covering. My anointing upon you provides protection. As you go out in your day in every house you enter, everything within that household becomes anointed with My blessing. You are walking in the overflow, and there will be a source of healing and restoration, even within your family. Failure is not an option. As I reside within you, I am love, and love never fails. It always produces positive outcomes. Therefore, resolve in your heart to be a part of the solution and not part of the problem. Determine to pursue the vision I have given you. Step out in faith without dwelling on the potential consequences of your obedience. Do not fear, for I am with you. Release the outcome to Me as you fully commit yourself to My purpose. I bless you.
Does this word resonate with you?
Sow Your Faith into this Word – Today!
The faith it takes to give into this prophetic word is the very same faith that will bring it to fruition in your situation. It is a tangible demonstration of your belief in My love and My promises. Act now, beloved, for your response time in giving is a measure of your faith and a catalyst for My timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation. Every seed sown in faith is a declaration of your trust in Me. It is an investment in the manifestation of My love and blessings in your life. Do not delay, dear one, for the harvest awaits, and I am eager to pour out My abundant blessings upon you.”
Always remember that I am here to be the Prophet in Your Life, to See You Come to Breakthrough in Every Area of Your Need.” ~~ Russ
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winnerchief3147290a60 says:
Thank you Prophet Russ. This word speaks in volume to me. God bless. Tomorrow the 5th is my birthday. I am expecting great moves of God and His promises of His faith to work in me and through me. Thank you gor your obedience.
Denise Lyons