The Father Says Today: March 4th, 2024

The Father says today, you stand ransomed by something the enemy cannot touch – the blood of Christ. It is the one thing untarnished by the enemy, by man, or by the passage of time. You hold within your grasp the spiritual authority to apply the uncorrupted blood of My humanity to your life. This blood, readily available to you, is accessible through your spoken words. Within it resides My own life, My purity, My power, and My provision. By uttering the words, “I apply the blood,” you activate a potent force. You draw the incorruptible and the pure into your words, sanctifying the very air around you. Recall how the heavens itself changed when I applied My blood upon the mercy seat in the throne room. It marked a permanent shift, for something both holy and distinctly human had sanctified the heavenly altar. The angels, witnessing this, veiled their eyes with their wings. It was the first time they encountered such a profound mystery, one that would forever remain beyond their complete understanding. In that moment, they cried out, “Holy! Holy! Holy!” This scene plays out anew within your life every time you call upon the efficacious power of My shed blood. The enemy loathes this blood, for its power cannot be usurped or circumvented. So, open your mouth today and apply this blood, shed for you, in the spiritual realm. Apply it to the doorways of your heart. Apply it to your lips. Apply it to your home, your loved ones, and all that you hold dear. Apply the blood, and in that act, you activate the heavens on your earthly realm, bringing protection, provision, and My very presence to bear upon all that you are and all that concerns you. Remember, the power resides not solely in external pronouncements. True application comes from a heart that believes in the power of the sacrifice and understands the profound cost of My love. Faith activates the power, and your spoken words become the conduit for its flow. Let your words be an extension of your faith, spoken with conviction and purpose.

Do not be surprised if the enemy attempts to cast doubt or create distractions in your mind when you attempt to apply the blood. Recognize this as a tactic designed to diminish your faith and weaken the effectiveness of the application. Stand firm in your conviction, and declare with unwavering resolve, “I apply the blood of Christ to this situation, in the name of Jesus.” The enemy may try to whisper lies of inadequacy or question your worthiness. Reject these falsehoods. You are worthy by virtue of the blood that was shed for you. You are not defined by your past mistakes or the limitations you may perceive in yourself. You are defined by the sacrifice made on your behalf, a sacrifice that transcends all limitations and renders you eternally worthy. As you consistently apply the blood, a shift will begin to occur. The enemy’s influence will diminish, replaced by the presence of My power and protection. Your faith will strengthen, and your understanding of My love will deepen. You will experience a renewed sense of purpose and direction, and your life will become a testament to the transformative power of My shed blood. Go forth, then, and apply the blood with confidence. Remember, it is not your pronouncements that hold power, but the blood itself. You are simply the vessel, the instrument through which the power flows. As you faithfully apply the blood, the heavens will be activated on your behalf, and My blessings will flow abundantly in your life.

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