The Father Says Today: March 3rd, 2013

Russ-Feb-2013aThe Father says today that I have commissioned angels to guard you against any eventuality. They are always on the job and they are never recalled or pulled back from you for any reason. Their whole purpose is to minister to and war in your behalf. They are the instrumentality of the privileged status that accrued to you when you accepted the salvation of the Cross.
Today you may expect to see evidence of the presence of these heavenly hosts says the Father. They are capable of being in your life unobserved but this day will be an exception for I would that you realize just how carefully I guard and protect and defend you at every turn. You are as the pupil of My eye and I have placed My glory in your heart. The angels are drawn to the glory wherever they find it. When they find the glory in you they automatically cry HOLY! HOLY! HOLY!
So give way to the glory for the manifest glory in your life causes the angels to home in on your spiritual coordinates. You are not alone. You are not bereft of My power or strength. The angels are not some cosmic oddity. They are necessary and vital components of protection and strength that this day you will bear witness to says the Father.

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  • JLamm says:

    Wow, I can tell that the Lord in you has been on a roll for the past coupole of days. I had a dream last year. I saw a lady at a desk. She said “Promotions and Demotions are coming.” I then asked her, “Which am I getting?” She then gave a big grin and said “Promotion.” I remember that the place we were was quite messy and disorganized. There was junk everywhere. Praise God, I pray that you all are promoted this year out of the mundane. I pray that the Lord is saying “Promotion” over your lives as well.

  • THE PEARL says:


  • Mary Ilupeju says:

    Praise God!!
    I know this is a true word of God, because just yesterday I had fallen outside unable to get back on my own. In 1997 I was diagnosed with M.S., multiple scaroises. I live alone and I walk with a can do to a relapses in 2011. Since that time I’ve had to use it to assist with my balance to enable not to fall. Just this past week I had slipped into another relapses and have to take five days of 250 ml of methyprednisolone a form of steroids; given through an IV. I don’t have family here in Florida were I currently lived for the past 2 years, I moved her by faith leaving everything in Maryland, I had brought only 2 suitcases of clothes. I had to stop working and go on disability in 2004 due to the MS. I don’t have a car and I needed some things for the house, so I decided I would walk to our nearest Publix grocery store with my back pact and cane. My nurse had just left administering my medication so I figure since I have taken the medication I could walk to Publix, which is a mile round trip, not to mention it was cold outside and very windy yesterday. On my way back I get to the gate of my community my keys fall out of my hand and I have about 10 lbs of food on my back, and A/C filter in one hand and the cane in the other. I squat down to pick my keys up and couldn’t stand back up, my legs had locked. No one in sight to help and unable to get up; I fail flat on the ground. After a few fail attempts trying to pull up on my own, frustration begin to kick in and Satan was having a field day with my thoughts, by the time he thought he had me the Lord reminded when I fail once before and no one around and I begin to speak His word by saying, “Lord You have given Your angles charge over me…so Lord, in the name of Jesus I command my angles to come help me get up!” After I spoke those words, I instantly was able to stand up as strength came back in my legs! When I got back home the angles were still with me and assisting me. I was able to come home cook my dinner and move heavy furniture around and clean my house, something which I never had the strength to do on my own before, as far as moving my furniture around in my house.
    After reading this morning word, I had to share this testimony. The word of God is true! This is the year of Supernatural encounters for God’s people!

  • Theresa Jackson says:

    Lord, I receive your word! I thank you , I praise and love you and will never turn my back on you! I am so thankful you are real and your Holy Word is TRUTH! Theresa