The Father Says Today: March 31st, 2023

The Father says today, as you give Me some cooperation, I will give you to the change and shift you have longed for. Change isn’t change until it is change. Change, says the Father, isn’t HARMFUL, change is beneficial. Continue to simply WORK WITH ME. I will walk you through the changes and cause you to shift, and SEE shift, both outwardly and inwardly as well.

At times you may have looked in the mirror and despised what you see. Don’t do that, says the Father. I love you JUST the way you are. I will give you grace and I will give you the anoint- ing that brings transformation. Work with Me, says the Father. You’ve worked with those who simply took from you and blamed you for failure. Don’t do that. Work with Me and listen to Me daily, and I will bring you to the outcome you haven’t dared hope for.

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  • Beautiful gracious God of LOVE ❤️, thank you for the grace to change and shift 🙏 Bless this wonderful Ministry from Your Heart, Father of spirits, and may I be made subject unto You in all things.