The Father Says Today: March 31st, 2021
The Father says today, I am all about highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled. I not only give you the object of your desire, but I cause your heart to ache for the very thing that I purpose to give you. I do not taunt you with that which I have no intention of bringing to pass in your life. I do not taunt, and I do not tease. Know that those desires and those things that your heart longs for in the depth of your being have been placed there by My hand. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and those things for which your hopes are longing for and crying out for concerning you have been shaped and placed there by My design. Bring them to Me. Cry out to Me. Allow Me to refine and clarify. Allow Me to expose where the enemy has tried to pervert those desires into something that would snare you. Listen to My voice as I speak and receive the correction and clarification that will show you the way and bring you to the very fulfillment of My promise in your life.
Do not cast away your confidence, says the Father. Do not listen to the confusion of the enemy that says to have no hope and no expectation. When you despair and feel that nothing is going to improve for you – know that at that moment you are mere steps from the breakthrough you have asked Me for. Do not allow the enemy to misdirect you. Pull down the stronghold of unbelief. Refuse to sorrow as one who has no hope. Reject all pessimism and refuse to have the heart of a skeptic. Come to Me like a little child. If you know how to give good things to those little ones that you love, how much more will I give you those things that you have cried out to Me for. The time is now, says the Father. This is your moment. Now is the day of your salvation and now is that instant that all you have longed and cried out for is coming to manifestation in your life.
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A Reed says:
Yes, I believe, help my unbelief. In Jesus’ name. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.
Teresa Smith says:
That’s right on time. Things I prayed 20+ years ago is finally coming to pass. This message is for me. I trying to decide which direction God is taking me. I don’t know yet but I do know God 🙏
Bernard La Chance says:
Complete restoration amen!
Lucia Gabriella says:
Thank you my gracious Father for my highest heart desire shall be manifested and fulfilled. The aching in my heart was that you saved and redeemed my loved ones and those friends I dearly love. I now have confidence and absolute assurance that they will be with me in heaven. HALLELUJAH! The enemy taunted me for years a long time of seeking and asking with prayer and fasting but I never gave up on God’s hand to save. Battles and trials are hard to go through, but if we have that close relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ we will have the victory. Amen and Amen.