The Father Says Today: March 31st, 2018

The Father says today, drink deeply of My peace. The peace I give to you is not dependent on tranquil circumstances. The peace I give originates in My presence that dwells in you and not something that only comes when circumstances are quiet and restful in your life. My peace is a powerful resonant force that will quell the armies of the enemy pounding on the gates of your life, threatening wrack and ruin. My peace is a river of life flowing out like a deluge to wash away all the noise makers and conflict bringers that the enemy sends to distract you from what I have to say. Receive My peace. It is here, and it is available now. Breathe it in. Let the rest go. Shut out the clamor of the urgent and settle down deep in the fullness of My Spirit until nothing else matters.
My peace is not the absence of conflict, says God. My peace is a fruit of the Spirit that grows on the trees of righteousness of which you are one. My peace is for the healing of the nations and when I declared “peace on earth” it was YOUR PERSONAL EARTH that I was speaking to. Before there will ever be peace among nations there must first be men and women who have appropriated the peace that I give that the world cannot usurp or take away. Will you turn away from the clamor of men rattling and sounding their intimidation and threats against you? They want you to look at them and give heed to them, but I say to you, keep your affections set on Me and you will see those self-important demands blown away as the chaff, as the small dust in the balance of the larger testimony of My goodness, My favor and breakthrough that is piercing the darkness around you, even now.

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  • Yesss and Amen. It’s Your peace in me Lord.. Thank you Lord for peace, strength in the quietness of my soul to hear Your voice that comes in me and Your spirit that comes over me to give me peace that sit upon me. Hallelujah Glory to God.. O how I Love Jesus