The Father Says Today: March 31st, 2013

Russ-March-2013The Father says today that I am going to see to it that YOU get what I PAID for on the CROSS! The stripes will not be in vain says the Father. Every tissue and every fiber of your body shall function in the perfection that I created it to function. The blows that rained down upon Me have shielded you from a thousand onslaughts of the enemy says the Father! The crown of thorns that pierced My brow NOW LIFT off of you every care and every source of stress, consternation and grief!
Receive this RESSURECTION day your RESSURECTION life. The resurrection is what I am NOW in your life not just on some future day. I am RAISING you says the Father from every contradiction to what My blood paid for in your behalf. No more anguish! No more heartbreak! No more crying in the night! No more loneliness or isolation or devastation!
From the throne says the Father I say ENOUGH! It is enough and the price is paid and I BID you to rejoice this day because you are the PURCHASED POSSESSION. The GLORY over Me from this day forward will be the GLORY over you in a NEW dimension and you will walk in the depths of all that I have promised you.

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