The Father Says Today: March 30th, 2020

The Father says today, wrap yourself up in My peace. Choose to take your shelter in Me and quiet yourself from the alarmist rhetoric and doom and gloom all around. Turn your ear from the outward and fathom the inward depths on the inside of you where My voice is speaking in a slow and steady tone. I am answering your fears. I am addressing your questions. Take your counsel from My heart, for I am sending My voice to you on a wavelength the enemy cannot discern. It is the wavelength of unconditional love and absolute trust. Let your ears be attuned – not to the cacophony of earthly voices but to the ceaseless harmonies of My faithfulness that I am sending your way.

I did not create you to live perpetually on the bleeding edge of hysteria, says the Father. I know the way that you take. Know that My portion for you is among the green pastures and the still waters. I am sending a calm to you that will quell every storm. Have I ever failed you? Have I ever left you without comfort? The Comforter is coming to make known My strength to you. Against all the assaults and attacks of the enemy, be brave, be strong. Be unswerving in your confidence in Me this day. I am actively supporting you with My provision, power, and victory.

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  • Frances McHenry says:

    Thank you Father God for your provisions, power, and victory. Have your way Lord and bring a swift justice to my situation and those relatives who are no longer in the Earth realm, Amen!

  • Deborah says:

    Lord, You alone are my Rock. Hallelujah Father God. Glory, honor and praise to You o King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s.

  • Melissa says:

    Thank you Father God and Thank you Jesus! This is so! You always show yourself mightility in my situation and I give you both all the glory, honr, and praise where it is due. Amen!

  • Israel Moussa says:

    Hallelujah ! Thank You Heavenly Father. Jehovah Chereb, make Your arm bare and show Your might in my situation today. El Shaddai, use me to glorify You. Jehovah Hashopet, may my life display Your power. El Olam, give me Your wisdom, strengthen my obedience. Jehovah Mephalti, touch me now, fill me afresh with the wonder of Your love and power. Jehovah Jireh, do the impossible in and through me, help me to enjoy the feast You prepare for me, in the name of Jesus, Amen.