The Father Says Today: March 29th, 2013

Houstonx200The Father says today that I am feeding with My wholeness. I will make you whole says the Father. Where you have been fragmented and fractured I am bringing the wholeness of Myself into you to heal and to make the crooked straight and the rough way smooth.
You have been like one who chafes inside their own skin and you have struggled and questioned who you are and what your place is. I say to you says the Father behold I make all things new. You will no longer be a creature of nature or nurture (or the lack thereof) but you will be that new creation – that new species altogether. For in Christ says the Father you leapt fully formed in the image of My son.
I am becoming formed and formative in you says the Father and it is a painless procedure. I bore the pain on Calvary. You need not suffer the bone grinding process of emotional and even physical recover for I am your wholeness and the newness of your life and spirit begin and have their end in Me today – in a moment of time.

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  • Thank You Father for this word and thank you for everything you did for me. I receive in Jesus name!

  • Isaura says:

    Very uplifting. Thank you GOD for your TRUTH & Mercy. I love the straight forwardness of these passages, no nonsense just TRUTH. GOD Bless