The Father Says Today: March 27th, 2013

Houstonx200The Father says today My child be patient and be brave! Be of good courage says the Father! The offenses of others and injuries against you will not last forever. I place no premium upon suffering or misfortune or troubles. I WILL BRING and END says your God! There is not efficacious value in hardship. Let not such thoughts enter into your mind. My people endure much unnecessary pain because of the lies of religious minds who cannot see the victory of the Cross. I drank upon the cross the dregs of human suffering therefore there is no need for you to drink of that cup says the Father. Drink rather the cup of mercy and forgiveness and healing – even healing for your heart and mind and body.
Let your heart persevere and be patient for every moment of patience hastens your season of breakthrough. When the savage and harsh of heart assault you let mildness and restraint be your reply. Do not give the angel of your deliverance pause by taking vengeance upon those who wrong you. Do not delay the hand I have commissioned to free and liberate you from the snare of the enemy. Mercy rejoices of judgment and patience in your heart even toward the undeserving will garner for you the reward of those who are dear to My heart and endeared to My purpose.

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  • kirsten andersen says:

    This was a most encouraging word today as the enemy is trying to throw his tactics to hurt me . God will bring an end to it and his grace and mercy covers my heart and mind in jesus name.

  • Great encouragement in March 26 and 27 “The Father Says Today” – received and appreciated. G