The Father Says Today: March 26th, 2013

Houstonx200The Father says today that walking in My love does NOT involve letting others dictate the terms of your response to them. There is a perverse sense of religious conscience that misleads at times. This is the suggestion that somehow you must allow others to harm or defame My purpose in you without cause. I didn’t die to make you a doormat or a target for others to hurl insults at. Listen to My voice says the Father. Answer the naysayers as I answered them with POWER and AUTHORITY.
I will put My words in your mouth when the time comes. Otherwise just hold your peace and maintain the composure of who I say you are. My righteousness in you is your defense. You don’t need the permission of the religious authorities to walk in the reality of who I died to cause you to be. Let humility have its perfect work in you says the Father and restrain yourself from ever having to explain to obstinate, intractable men the audacity of the hope I have laid in store within your heart.

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