The Father Says Today: March 25th, 2013

Russ-March-2013The Father says today that My love substantiates My power in your life. Love is what I am producing on the inside of you. Sinless perfection is not the goal says the Father for if you attained sinless perfection you have only expressed the inability to see yourself with eyes of humility and honesty. I am capable of perfecting you. I said in My word that you should be perfect even as I am perfect. Let that perfection be expressed in perfect LOVE.
Love is not just what I do says the Father, love is who I AM. My love in your life is the perfection of My person in your life. Let LOVE find its purchase on the inside of you. There is nothing that shall be impossible to you as you find your place in the expression of My love toward all those around you. I will produce on the inside of you the effortless manifestation of My heart and in so doing activate your faith in a fresh and real way. You have asked for things to be different and better says the Father. This is what My love is bringing about as you cooperate this day with Me.

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