The Father Says Today: March 24th, 2013

Russ-March-2013The Father says today that My song is being sung over you this day. My song is a song of grace and a song of comfort. Be of good comfort says the Father for in nothing shall you be disappointed. You will know My faithfulness and you will experience the writ of My fidelity in your life. I am with you says the Father and I will never turn from you in the slightest way. My song is a song of blessing and the song of a Father’s love for a dear child. I brought you into the earth to experience My love and My love is surrounding you with strains of melody that only heaven can voice.
There is no lack or deficit in your heart that I will not address says the Father. The void of sin, the pain of rejection the stain of hurtful memories, be healed of all of these says the Father. Be washed by My sound that reaches you even now and makes known the mercy and patience that I choose to have toward you. I am kneading your heart with My song and softening you from every bitter judgment. You are loved My beloved and this day I choose to make My love a reality in your life.

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