The Father Says Today: March 23rd, 2013

Russ-March-2013The Father says today that I am releasing GIFTING and CHARACTER in your life. When GIFTING and CHARACTER coming together in your life an OPEN HEAVEN is created. You have wondered what an open heaven looks like and you are going to get to find out. You have asked not to be left out of what I am doing in the earth and that which you asked will be granted. Are you ready for the change? I am sending the ANGEL of CHANGE to INITIATE the CHANGE and it begins in you.
As I bring INWARD change there will follow OUTWARD TRANSFORMATION. As I initiate inward adjustment I will synchronize your heart with My heart. You will find yourself experiencing a new compassion toward those who have frustrated you in times past. You will begin even THIS DAY to be possessed of a fresh and burning passion for souls says the Father. Yield to My heart says the Father and the gifting that has eluded you will manifest and fall upon you as a MANTLE of POWER and increase. This is your day says the Father and I choose to use you and bring you into the service of My kingdom.

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