The Father Says Today: March 1st, 2023

The Father says today that the spirit of enmity is being smitten before your face. I am your advocate and your defender. I am your defense and your strong tower. I am a wall of fire round-about you so that no enemy shall break through to harm you in any way. I have covenanted in Christ to defend, protect and guard you by My strong right hand, says the Father, so fear not. When others falter, and others fail, say within your heart, “this shall not come nigh me, for the Lord is My protection.”

Fear not the unseen danger or the open attack of those who mock My name. Though all men turn against you, and every circumstance becomes a raging battle – know this that I am the GOD of BATTLES, and no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Arm yourself with the full and certain knowledge of My love and My power, says the Father. Equip yourself and know that I have ar- rayed My forces around you as a shield of might that the enemy cannot penetrate. You are not alone in the fight, says the Father. When the enemy turns his hand against you, it will be MY FIST returning the blow, for you are My beloved, and I will watch over you in the midst of every struggle.

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Other Comments

  • Leatrice Sanders says:

    I had to come back and comment on this word because It was soooo Prophetic to the T
    It just kept rising in my Spirit and it was most definitely Needed to be put into remembrance of this Athena Word (Warfare was really trying to get the best of me!)
    But this Word was resounding and quickening me to come and read it over again for the Faith I needed
    Hallelujah Amen!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💫💫💫💫💫

  • ELONNA MILLS says: